Dr aruna khilnani
Dr aruna khilnani


We’ve become closer I’ve learnt to read their silences. It’s been an emotional rollercoaster but the silver lining in all this is that we got to spend a lot of time together. When Mumma and I moved back, he almost ran towards her with a wide smile and touched her head affectionately. Miraculously, Bhau recovered–10 days later, he tested negative. Over the next 10 days, he’d call us 3-4 times a day and ask– ‘Is Mumma fine?’, ‘When are you coming to meet me?’, ‘Are you coming tomorrow?’ Mumma’s very strong but this time, I could feel that she was longing to be reunited with Bhau. But we couldn’t risk Mumma’s health, so I lied that Mumma had to go to the doctor for her knee pain. For the last 65 years, Bhau and Mumma have never been apart– just seeing us around reassured him. But when I told him that Mumma and I would be moving to Masi’s for a while, he was shattered. Bhau was surprisingly calm when I broke the news to him. ‘I don’t want to scare you but let’s be practical it might be what you think it is,’ Bhau’s doctor said. I was terrified! Even before we got her COVID test results, Bhau was burning with a high fever. A few weeks back, our help went to the market and 5 days later, she developed a fever. He’d tell me his childhood stories and tales about his office.


To distract Bhau, I’d invite him for a game of chess and crack jokes. But now, even my Masi, who lives nearby, wasn’t able to visit us. Aruna Shanbaug would sometimes scream when we entered her room.


Bhau loves a house full of people and even though he can’t hear properly, he’d just look at everybody chit-chat and smile. As told to ’s Rohit Khilnani Wednesday J. As time passed, both my grandparents became anxious. Aruna Khilanani is a Manhattan-based psychiatrist. So, I restricted myself from hugging them or even going near the kitchen. Bhau is 93 and diabetic– I didn’t want to take any chances with his health. Twice a week, I’d run errands and buy groceries. Bhau had a nanny for help another maid helped Mumma, my grandmother– I strictly prohibited them from stepping out of the house. And now, because of the lockdown, he was robbed of his morning newspaper, the vitthal temple’s aarti and his afternoon chats with our neighbours. After his health scare last year, Bhau was mostly confined to four walls. We will all be together.’ He was just happy that I’d be spending more time with him.

dr aruna khilnani

He had a hundred questions– ‘Why aren’t you going out?’, ‘How will you work?, ‘When will my daughter come to see me?’ I sat him down and explained, ‘For the next few days, we won’t be going out. Like I did the world a f–king favor.Humans of Bombay - “I struggled explaining the pandemic to Bhau, my grandfather.

dr aruna khilnani

“I had fantasies of unloading a revolver into the head of any white person that got in my way, burying their body and wiping my bloody hands as I walked away relatively guiltless with a bounce in my step. “It was also a public service,” she said. “I stopped watching the news,” Khilanani continued. “Nothing makes me angrier than a white person who tells me not to be angry, because they have not seen real anger yet,” she said - before talking about how she “systematically” cut off most of her former white friends “around five years ago. Like a goddamn timer, you can count it down. “It always ends that way, happens every time. “We are calm, we are giving, too giving, and then when we get angry, they use our responses as confirmation that we’re crazy or have emotional problems,” Khilanani said.


During the speech, Khilanani made a series of racist. Audio of the lecture was posted on Substack by Bari Weiss. These two accounts offer glimpse into the life of Aruna Asif Ali born as Aruna. Aruna Khilanani, a psychiatrist in New York City, gave the talk on April 6. She then added “prayers up for DMX” before discussing what she described as the “intense rage and futility” people of color purportedly feel when talking to white people about racism. of the former Union Ministers of Finance and Dr.

Dr aruna khilnani